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Florida Specific Requirements for Real Estate Pre-Licensing in Central Florida

If you’re considering a career in real estate in Central Florida, you’re taking the first step towards an exciting and dynamic profession. However, before you can embark on this journey, it’s essential to understand the specific requirements for real estate pre-licensing in Central Florida.

Requirements To Lay The Foundation For Your Future Success In The Real Estate Industry:

Educational Prerequisites:

To start your real estate pre-licensing journey in Central Florida, you must meet educational prerequisites. Florida law mandates that you complete a state-approved pre-licensing course from an accredited institution like LEAP.

Our curriculum is meticulously designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in real estate.

Age and Legal Requirements:

In Florida, you must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or its equivalent to become a licensed real estate professional. Additionally, you should be a U.S. citizen or a foreign national with a valid work visa.

Background Check:

Applicants for a real estate license are required to undergo a background check. This process ensures that only individuals of good moral character are allowed to operate within the real estate industry.

Course Examination:

Once you’ve completed your pre-licensing course through a reputable institution like LEAP, you’ll need to pass a state examination. This test assesses your knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of real estate in Florida.


Fingerprinting is another mandatory requirement to obtain your real estate license. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) will use your fingerprints for a background check.

Application and Fees:

You’ll need to submit a license application to the DBPR, along with the required fees. It’s essential to ensure that your application is complete and accurate to avoid unnecessary delays.

Navigating these Florida-specific requirements for real estate pre-licensing in Central Florida can seem like a daunting task. However, with LEAP, you’ll have a trusted partner by your side to guide you through the process.

Our programs are designed to prepare you thoroughly for the state examination and to help you meet all the necessary criteria for licensure.

Embarking on your journey toward a successful career in real estate in Central Florida begins with understanding and meeting these essential requirements.

Let LEAP be your trusted partner in this exciting journey.

We’ll equip you with the knowledge, resources, and support you need to achieve your real estate goals and ensure you meet all the specific prerequisites for a rewarding career in the industry.

Your path to success in Central Florida’s real estate market starts here.

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