Florida Real Estate Broker Practice Exam

Prepare yourself for the real estate Broker Exam

Prepare confidently for the Florida Real Estate Broker Exam with our focused practice course. Tailored for brokers, this interactive program includes the Prep Course Manual with essential real estate questions covering key aspects of the state exam. Designed for efficiency, it thoroughly covers subject areas and offers a robust practice test. Whether you prefer a classroom setting, livestream experience, or online flexibility, choose the format that suits you best.

Decide Among Classroom, Livestream Or Online Options.


Broker Exam Prep

Our Florida real estate broker practice exam is an interactive and intensive review of all the materials that will help Brokers gain the real estate knowledge they need to pass the state exam on their first try and leap into their career as a real estate broker. The program includes our Prep Course Manual, which provides real estate questions on real estate principles, practices, law, & brokerage condensed into the most critical aspects of the state exam and provides a necessary framework for reviewing the subject areas on the exam.

It is designed to allow coverage of the subjects in a relatively short time and to offer a thorough real estate exam practice test.







*Enrolling above will take you to our REcampus website.


A list of benefits for choosing the Classroom Option at LEAP, specifically tailored for students who live close to their locations, enjoy the guidance of a live instructor, and prefer a structured schedule:

  1. Convenient Location:
    • Ideal for students residing near our locations, offering a convenient and accessible option for attending classes without long commutes.
  2. Live Instructor Guidance:
    • Experience the support and guidance of a live instructor in a classroom setting, enhancing the learning experience with real-time interaction and personalized assistance.
  3. Structured Learning Environment:
    • Perfect for students who thrive in a structured environment, the classroom option provides a set schedule, promoting consistent learning and progress.
  4. Immediate Clarifications:
    • Get instant clarification on questions or concepts during class, fostering a more interactive and dynamic learning atmosphere.
  5. Networking Opportunities:
    • Connect with fellow students in person, facilitating networking opportunities and the chance to build relationships within the local real estate community.
  6. Focused Learning Sessions:
    • Benefit from dedicated, focused learning sessions without distractions, creating an environment conducive to absorption of course material.
  7. Hands-On Activities:
    • Engage in hands-on activities and group discussions facilitated by the instructor, promoting a deeper understanding of real estate concepts.
  8. Face-to-Face Support:
    • Receive face-to-face support from instructors, allowing for immediate feedback and personalized assistance tailored to individual learning styles.
  9. Scheduled Progress Assessments:
    • Benefit from scheduled assessments and progress checks, ensuring that students stay on track and comprehend the material as the course progresses.
  10. Enhanced Motivation:
    • The physical presence of classmates and instructors can enhance motivation and accountability, fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment.

By choosing the Classroom Option at LEAP, students living nearby can enjoy a well-rounded learning experience that combines the benefits of proximity, live instruction, and a structured approach to education.

A list of benefits for choosing the Livestream Option at LEAP:

  1. Flexibility for Distant Learners:
    • Ideal for students who are not in close proximity to physical locations, offering the flexibility to attend classes remotely from anywhere with an internet connection.
  2. Real-Time Interaction:
    • Experience live interaction with instructors, enabling immediate questions, clarifications, and engagement in discussions, replicating the benefits of a classroom setting.
  3. Structured Learning with Convenience:
    • Enjoy the structure of scheduled classes while having the convenience of attending from the comfort of your own space, accommodating various schedules and time zones.
  4. Recorded Sessions for Review:
    • Access recorded sessions for later review, providing the opportunity to revisit class content and reinforce learning at your own pace.
  5. Networking Opportunities:
    • Connect virtually with peers from different locations, fostering a diverse network of real estate professionals and expanding your industry connections.
  6. Interactive Virtual Activities:
    • Engage in interactive virtual activities and discussions facilitated by the instructor, promoting participation and collaboration among livestream attendees.
  7. Access to Digital Learning Resources:
    • Utilize digital learning resources provided during livestream sessions, enhancing the overall learning experience with multimedia materials and online tools.
  8. Immediate Online Support:
    • Benefit from online support channels for immediate assistance, ensuring that questions and concerns are addressed promptly through digital communication platforms.
  9. Remote Progress Assessments:
    • Participate in remote assessments and progress checks, allowing for continuous evaluation of your understanding and progress throughout the course.
  10. Adaptability to Personal Learning Styles:
    • Tailor your learning environment to suit your preferences, whether it’s a quiet home office or a comfortable study space, providing adaptability to individual learning styles.

By choosing the Livestream Option at LEAP, students can experience the benefits of real-time instruction, interactive virtual learning, and the flexibility to participate from any location, making it a convenient and accessible choice for remote learners.

A list of benefits for choosing the Online Classes Option at LEAP:

  1. Flexibility for Any Location:
    • Perfect for students regardless of their location, providing the flexibility to attend classes from the comfort of their homes or any location with internet access.
  2. Self-Paced Learning:
    • Enjoy the freedom of self-paced learning, allowing students to progress through the material at their own speed and accommodate individual schedules.
  3. Accessibility 24/7:
    • Access course materials, lectures, and resources 24/7, providing the convenience of learning whenever it suits the student best, day or night.
  4. Personalized Learning Environment:
    • Create a personalized learning space that caters to individual preferences, fostering a comfortable and focused atmosphere for effective online learning.
  5. Interactive Multimedia Content:
    • Benefit from interactive multimedia content, including videos, quizzes, and digital resources that enhance the online learning experience.
  6. Instant Access to Materials:
    • Immediately access course materials, eliminating the need for physical materials and reducing wait times associated with traditional classroom settings.
  7. Global Networking Opportunities:
    • Connect with a diverse community of online learners globally, expanding your network and gaining insights from individuals with different backgrounds and experiences.
  8. Adaptive Learning Platforms:
    • Utilize adaptive learning platforms that cater to individual learning styles, providing targeted support and resources based on performance and progress.
  9. Remote Support Services:
    • Access online support services, including virtual office hours, discussion forums, and chat support, ensuring that assistance is readily available when needed.
  10. Tech-Savvy Skill Development:
    • Develop tech-savvy skills by navigating online learning platforms and utilizing digital tools, enhancing your proficiency in technology, a valuable skill in the modern real estate industry.

By choosing the Online Classes Option at LEAP, students can experience the advantages of flexibility, self-paced learning, and a personalized digital learning environment, making it a convenient and effective choice for those who prefer the flexibility of online education


Professional Achievement is Only a Jump Away

With our on-demand or scheduled courses, you are free to take your courses where and when it is most convenient for you, taking the pressure off your schedule and putting the focus back on your goals.

Young woman sitting at desk with notebook, pencil and laptop smiling at her work.


One Hour Course Exam
50 Questions


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